Monday, June 25, 2018

Things to Keep in Mind as Application Season Approaches

As we're all aware by this point in the year, keeping track of what each law school's application requires can get pretty hectic. Yes, there's the very basic transcript and LSAT score that you can use the LSAC site to send, but beyond that, individual requirements vary. Here's the running list I keep of what I need to know for each school:
  • Application Open Date
  • Application Due Date
  • Number of Letters of Recommendation
  • Application Fee Amount
Not only that, but many schools vary on whether or not they allow you to submit the following, either required or optional:
  • Writing Samples
  • Personal Statements
  • Separate Applications (Outside of the LSAC site)
  • Resumes
  • Diversity Statements
  • Conduct Statements
I'm sure there are many more individual requirements for individual schools, and I definitely urge you to check the website for each school you plan on applying to, so that you are aware of everything you need. These are the most common ones I've run across so far, and hopefully adding them to your mental checklist (or, if you're like me, physical spreadsheet) will be helpful in the coming months. 

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